In the DJC: JA Using Gaming Tech to Enhance Design Process

In the DJC: JA Using Gaming Tech to Enhance Design Process

JA expects to soon roll out its Parametric Casita, which makes it easier for property owners to create detached accessory dwelling units (DADUs), in single-family zones in Seattle. A client inputs their address and is presented with the developable area on their lot. They create their own layout option, hit submit and a simplified structural model, bill of materials and rough construction costs are generated. If they want to build, JA will develop construction documents from Revit models that have been premade.

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A Gap in the Housing Cycle by Ray Johnston

A Gap in the Housing Cycle by Ray Johnston

This editorial examines the need for more diverse housing options in the region, specifically rentals for individuals and families wanting to make places like Winthrop or Twisp their permanent homes, but who aren't in a position to buy a residence.

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Bryant Heights in the Seattle Times

Bryant Heights in the Seattle Times

The Seattle Times highlights different ways architects are answering how Seattle will house its growing population. They featured Bryant Heights as an example of a new residential development that knits together a dense family neighborhood with vibrant retail corridor while maintaining its park-like character through tenacious preservation. Click here to read the full story.

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