Bryant Heights in the Seattle Times

Bryant Heights in the Seattle Times

The Seattle Times highlights different ways architects are answering how Seattle will house its growing population. They featured Bryant Heights as an example of a new residential development that knits together a dense family neighborhood with vibrant retail corridor while maintaining its park-like character through tenacious preservation. Click here to read the full story.

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Oak Tree Village - Cross-Laminated Timber

Oak Tree Village - Cross-Laminated Timber

The first CLT community center in Washington is taking shape. The use of CLT for the primary structure allows large open spans for dramatic spaces that reach out into the wooded landscape. It also allows programmatic flexibility in the future.

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Duvall Library Achieves LEED Silver Certification

Duvall Library Achieves LEED Silver Certification

Recently designated as a Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Silver building, the Duvall Library employs a number of sustainable design elements and is a great example of how a building can maximize the benefits of its surrounding environment.

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