A Gap in the Housing Cycle by Ray Johnston

A Gap in the Housing Cycle by Ray Johnston

This editorial examines the need for more diverse housing options in the region, specifically rentals for individuals and families wanting to make places like Winthrop or Twisp their permanent homes, but who aren't in a position to buy a residence.

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The Wall Street Journal Visits the Methow Valley

The Wall Street Journal Visits the Methow Valley

We’re proud of our connection to Washington’s Methow Valley, so it was a pleasure to speak to the Wall Street Journal about the architectural style emerging in these nature-driven communities. Click here to read the full story.

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Wolf Creek Highlighted in Methow Homes

Wolf Creek Highlighted in Methow Homes

Set alongside the creek from which it gets its name, the Wolf Creek House is a testament to its owners’ clear vision and collaborative process. Click here and scroll to pages 26-30 to read more about this remarkable home and the partnership between architect and client that made it possible. Thank you for featuring this project, Methow Homes Magazine.

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